Susie Jackson

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Ceels Lockley - Business Mentor

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This Freelance Insights interview features business mentor Ceels Lockley.

I can’t remember how I first connected with Ceels, but ever since we did, I’ve felt as though we’re kindred spirits or long-lost sisters. Ceels lives in the East Midlands, which is where I lived for years when I was at university and after I graduated when I started work. Like me, she’s a Virgo and is very organised; she loves to plan and loves to set goals. Ceels also interviewed me for her Fiercely Freelance podcast back in May 2022.

Ceels hosts a podcast called Fiercely Freelance, which helps freelancers at all stages of growth with business, marketing and mindset by combining quick-fire workshop-style tips, guest expert interviews and frank conversations with seasoned freelancers. Listen wherever you normally enjoy your podcasts, or listen on Apple by clicking the button further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I describe what I do as business mentorship, which encompasses a few different elements. I’d say that I’m a business mentor and a strategist, and I combine the two, 50% strategy and 50% mentoring, to help freelancers. I work with 1:1 clients, either over a period of time or on an intensive basis if there’s a particular problem they want to solve rapidly, and I also run a membership programme focusing on goal setting and accountability.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

There are so many things, but I think for me the main thing is creative licence. It’s awesome to work for yourself and have the freedom to choose your own schedule, but I love being able to do whatever I choose with my business. If I want to start a membership or bring out a new product, I can. I find being able to design your brand, your product suite and your message how you want it the coolest thing about having your own business.

Where do you usually work from?

I usually work from my home office. I have a young child, so I’m never too far from her school. I’ve made my office really me and turned it into my happy workspace. I’ve tried to make it comfortable, so I have a standing desk, and I’ve put a lot of effort into my surroundings. I feel strongly about branding, and I think your workspace affects how you work and how you show up in your business.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I’m usually at my desk for about 9:30am after walking my daughter to school. I’ve tried to split my week so I’m not mixing too many tasks on the same day. I work 3 days a week in my business, and I try to do all my calls on one of the days. The other 2 days are dedicated to working on my business and content creation. I finish for the school pick-up around 2:45pm, and then I often work for an hour or 2 in the evenings.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

There are a million things I could say, but the one tip I’d give is to stop overthinking things, which is something that tripped me up in my early freelance career. We can get tied up in knots about the smallest things, to the extent that we create blocks for ourselves and don’t end up taking any action. My advice would be to always take the messy action, and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks!

Free resource

Ceels hosts a podcast called Fiercely Freelance, which helps freelancers at all stages of growth with business, marketing and mindset by combining quick-fire workshop-style tips, guest expert interviews and frank conversations with seasoned freelancers. Listen wherever you normally enjoy your podcasts, or click the button below to listen on Apple.

Connect with Ceels

Instagram: @fiercelyfreelance


Podcast: Fiercely Freelance

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