Susie Jackson

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Meg Harrop - Brand Stylist and Designer

This Freelance Insights interview features Meg Harrop, a brand stylist and designer who helps business owners develop their brand identity.

I started following Meg on Instagram a few months ago because she was working with a fellow translator on her new branding. I soon found myself liking every one of her posts, from insights into her design process to her portfolio of client work and her helpful tips on running a business that is authentic and honest. Meg is a wonderful example of how to do Instagram right.

Meg works 1:1 with clients on their branding, but she also sells some digital products that are of use to both her current client base and fellow designers.

If you haven’t got much of a budget but you feel like your branding could be more professional or consistent, or that you want to make your freelance business convey more of YOU as a person, Meg’s free branding cheatsheet is for you. It walks you through the first steps to crafting a meaningful brand identity, and she’s offering it for free! Click the button further down this page to download it - you’ll be glad you did.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I'm a brand stylist and designer, so I work with fellow business owners to develop their brand identities. I like to start from scratch and work out the whole visual direction for where they're going to go with it. I ask them specific questions to try to find out the best route to take, do research into their businesses, and work with them to create something really unique.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

I think just being able to set my own schedule. I do tend to work a normal working day, but it's just nice that if I have an appointment or want to see a friend then I can do that and work around it. When I worked in an office, I found it difficult when places weren't flexible. If you're stuck in traffic or you leave the house late for whatever reason, it doesn't matter if you even get all your work done, there's just no flexibility there. So that's what I really love - being able to set my own schedule is brilliant.

Where do you usually work from?

I work from my home office, which is a lovely room. We built it a couple of years ago above the garage, making use of the space under the pitched roof. We're in the countryside and no-one generally walks past where I work. We get a few tractors and a few cars but that's it. It's quiet, but I do like it like that.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I'm usually awake by 7:30, when my husband goes to work. I have breakfast and walk the dog, which generally takes about an hour, and I don't tend to get to my desk until about 10. I used to really beat myself up about not getting there before that time, but obviously with the flexibility it doesn't really matter what time I get to my desk. I try not to look at emails straightaway as that makes me feel stressed out, so I try to start the creative stuff first and do a lot of that in the morning because that's the best time to do it for me. Then I have lunch and walk the dog again, which is a good break for me to get outside, and then I tend to work until about 5:30.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

Try to be yourself as much as possible, because that's when you're going to attract like-minded people. When you're a freelancer or a service-based business owner, you're usually going to want to work with people who are similar to you with the same values so you get on really well. Try to be honest in the things you share on Instagram or your blog, because that's when you're going to attract those people who value you and the way you work.

Free resource

If you're interested in giving your branding a revamp to create something that is both professional and personal to you, you'll want to check out Meg's free branding cheatsheet: ‘The first steps to crafting a meaningful brand identity’. She gives you all the tips you need to create stunning branding that you're really proud of, without a hefty price tag.

Connect with Meg



Instagram: @lemonandbirch

Pinterest: @lemonandbirch

Facebook: @lemonandbirch

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