Abi Smith - Social Media Marketing Specialist

Abi Smith - Freelance Insights (main).png

This Freelance Insights interview features social media marketing specialist Abi Smith.

Abi’s Instagram grid is a lovely combination of positivity, female empowerment, and insightful Instagram tips. Whichever you follow her for, I’m absolutely certain you won’t be disappointed!

Abi offers a free 30-minute Instagram strategy call, in which she’ll take a look at your page and flag a list of tips to help maximise your content. You can use the 30 minutes to ask any questions you may have about Instagram for business, such as how to grow your page authentically, how to increase engagement, which hashtags to use, or how to find your dream client. Book a time for your call with Abi by clicking the button towards the bottom of this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I'm a social media marketing specialist with a passion for community and connection! I empower purpose-driven brands with organic growth strategies, impactful content and authentic storytelling. I believe the world needs more conscious and fearless creators so my overall mission is to make them seen. I offer a combination of 1-1 strategy consulting, training workshops, content writing and design.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

There are so many things! I love the variety, flexibility, and most importantly the freedom to run my business on my own terms. I get to work with a variety of genuinely inspiring brands, which fills me with so much joy. Being freelance has unlocked my own creative potential and challenges me everyday to keep learning and evolving. Nothing seems out of reach!

Where do you usually work from?

Where do I not work from is a better question! I literally work anywhere I can; that's the beauty of it. It's usually a mixture of home, the odd co-working space and whichever coffee shop lets me stay the longest/has the best cake selection. The dream is to create my own cosy office space and community but that's still an item on my vision board for now.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

No working day is ever completely the same, but I try to implement light structure to keep myself grounded. I have a list of daily must-dos, starting with airplane mode in the morning and some kind of stretching/meditation. Movement is a huge part of my life, so I take regular breaks to keep me focused, whether it's a dance break, a walk in the park, lifting weights, or my most recent hobby: tag rugby.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

YOU are your most important asset, so you have to look after yourself mentally and physically.  It's a cliché one, but it was a necessary lesson I had to learn quite early on in my business. It's tempting to take on all the projects and work all hours of the day, but burnout isn't pretty. Eat well, move your body, and prioritise sleep! Schedule in time to switch off and do something fun.

Free resource

Abi offers a free 30-minute Instagram strategy call, in which she'll take a look at your page and flag a list of tips to help maximise your content. You can use the 30 minutes to ask any questions you may have about Instagram for business!

Connect with Abi

Email: hello@abiswaydigital.com

Website: https://abiswaydigital.com/

Instagram: @abiswaydigital