Ishan Beri - Social Media Strategist

Ishan Beri Social Media Strategist

This Freelance Insights interview features social media strategist Ishan Beri.

I first found Ishan’s Instagram account when someone shared her post about creating a strategy for Instagram last summer. I found it so useful that I immediately sent her a DM and we’ve been in contact ever since.

That first post I saw was totally indicative of what to expect from Ishan. She posts super useful tips about getting the most from Instagram and she shows up daily in her stories, confidently chatting to camera and practising what she preaches!

In line with her expertise in all things Instagram, she’s offering a free guide to finding your target audience on the platform. This is for you if you feel like you’re putting lots of energy in and seeing very few results - you may just be targeting the wrong audience! Click the button towards the bottom of this page to get the guide.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I help passion-fueled female founders build influential brands that people love using social media. I'm really passionate about it because I love working with female founders in tech and the creative industries - creative in the sense of digital entrepreneurs, because I think we're all creatives when we work online! I work with two types of businesses: some that are well established and just need help with social media management, and others that are just starting out and need help with how to talk to their audience, get their message across, and build a fan following. I enjoy both, but obviously strategy gives me more creative freedom.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

There are tons! I can wake up anytime I want, and I'm pretty much a night owl so I like to work late nights and wake up a little later than other people. I enjoy the freedom that it gives me, especially with my health. I deal with anxiety and panic episodes sometimes, so in situations where I can't physically go outside, it gives me the space I need. I can accommodate anything and work from anywhere, that's the beauty of it.

Where do you usually work from?

From my desk space at home - I love working from home. I could work from cafés, but I like my own zone. I've tried coworking, but I love working in my pyjamas to be honest! Being at home gives me more freedom. I feel most creative when I'm comfortable, so I sometimes even work from my bed! I enjoy keeping things slow-paced for now, in that regard.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I don't think I have a fixed routine. I'm only in the second year of business and I'm still trying to work out what works for my body. I love what I do, so for me it's not about working between fixed hours. If I get an idea at 11pm, I'll probably just start writing! I do try to block out a couple of days a week for my calls, and I spend the rest of the time working on things for my clients and on my own brand. My routine is pretty flexible, but I like to block out days for particular things.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

Stick with some kind of discipline, because that's something I learned the hard way. As a freelancer, there will be days when you won't feel motivated to do things. You need to have the discipline to still do the work. The work you do today will probably reap benefits in 3 months, so if you do nothing today, there'll be nothing for you in 3 months.

Free resource

If you feel like you spend lots of time on Instagram trying to build your business but you aren't seeing results, it might be because you're not targeting the right audience. Check out Ishan's Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Target Audience on Instagram and reach the right people!

Connect with Ishan



Instagram: @ishanberi

LinkedIn: @ishanberi